About the Legacy Corps
The Legacy Corps is a group of generous donors who have made a lasting commitment to the Executive Service Corps. Each Legacy Corps member gives a gift of $25,000 or more upon joining or in their estate plans. By contributing they ensure that the Executive Service Corps endures to meet critical and emerging needs of the nonprofit sector for generations into the future.
How to Join the Executive Service Corps' Legacy Corps
Step 1: Email info@execservicecorps.org of your commitment to leave a legacy to the Executive Service Corps.
Step 2: Make or arrange for your gift.
You can give your gift now or add language specifying your legacy commitment to the Executive Service Corps to your bequest and/or will.
Your gift can be a donation given now or a percentage of your estate, a specific dollar donation, a specific asset such as a building, or if a percentage of a remainder left over after other gifts called a residue gift.
An example of bequest language is, "I give, devise, and bequeath to the Executive Service Corps of Chicago (ESC), a not-for-profit corporation (Tax ID 36-2984270) located in Illinois, (e.g., dollar amount, percentage, specific asset, or residue)."
If you have an estate or financial advisor alert them in writing to your wishes and provide them with the Executive Service Corps' contact information. We recommend alerting them by email and copying info@execservicecorps.org for ease and consistency in communication.
You decide how you'd like to support the Executive Service Corps' important community building work.
Step 3: Decide if the Executive Service Corps can add your name to the illustrious list of Legacy Members we share with the public.
Sharing your commitment inspires others to give. Generosity and kindness are contagious.
Executive Service Corps Legacy Corps Members
Anonymous | Gordon Bieberle | Winston C. Black, Jr. | Joseph L. Block | Mrs. Joseph L. Block | James A. Brandt | Robert E. Brooker | Jean M. Broom | Andreason L. Brown | Edward A. Bruzewicz | Nelson L. (Lin) Carter | Robert and Patricia Chamberlain | Richard G. Clemens | Mark Crane | Surma A. David | Bill Drewry | E. Stanley and Calista Enlund | George and Helen Fanning | Charlotte E. Fiechter | R. Neal Fulk | Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Gelbin | Jacqueline & Howard Gilbert | Jerome S. Gore | Lawrence W. Gougler | Robert Greenebaum, Sr. | William P. Hall | Lester Hammar | Susan and Bob Houston | William Ingram | Lucile Ish | John C. Jadel | John C. and Louise S. Jadel | Morris A. Kaplan | Philip & Ethel Klutznick | Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. LaFreniere | Charles W. Lake, Jr. | Richard Loewenthal | William L. and Helen K. Loving | Frederick A. Luecker | Robert P. Mayo | Geoffrey McClelland | William W.N. McLeod | Howard C. Morgan | Jessalyn M. Nicklas | Robert and Evelyn Nottelmann | Dorethea J. Osbay | Claude and Annette Peck | Louis J. Pedicini | Willam Peters | Alice S. Pfaelzer | Ellard Pfaelzer, Jr. | Joann S. Rasmussen | Betty C. Reneker | John H. Rosenheim | Joseph M. Ross | Norman Ross | Ralph W. Rydholm | Sam H. Saran | Mrs. Arthur Sawers | Mary and Peter Sawers | Frank Schnierow | Donald G. and Phyllis H. Schroeter | Patricia L. Sharpe | Karen A. Sims | Linus O. Smith | Carl and Barbara Stanley | Jules N. Stiffel | Alan Stone | A. Dean Swift | Mrs. Mary Lou Swift | The Swift Family | Phyllis Tabachnick | Richard L. Thomas | Michael and Donna Thompson | Kristina Van Liew | Robert E. Vanden Bosch | Dey W. Watts | Barbara & Bert Weller | William and Nancy Whitney | Robert H. Wilson | Arnold Wolff | Dennis A. Zavac and C. Elizabeth Howland | Frank R. and Faye M. Zimmerman
Thank you Executive Service Corps' Legacy Corps!