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Biography of Candace McCarthy King, MPA

Candace King is an innovative social entrepreneur in health and human services. Over the course of her career, she managed several startups responding to previously unmet needs. She has extensive experience in management of human services, particularly in the development of startup and social entrepreneurships.


Candace retired as Executive Director of the DuPage Federation on Human Services Reform in 2019. Over the course of her twenty-three years of service to the Federation, she managed its growth from a great idea to a thriving community collaboration with $2.5 million in revenue, 80% generated by social enterprise. Along the way, she further developed her skills in board development, financial management, budgeting, social entrepreneurship, human resource management, and program development that are essential in a growing organization.


Among the outcomes achieved over her tenure included leading development of several collaborative health care programs for low-income persons that have thrived and expanded over twenty years. With her high-performing team, she recognized the need for, then designed and conducted several different types of training. She built the Federation’s Language Access Resource Center from the ground up until it became a significant part of the organization's funding base. She can identify a need, figure out how to meet it, sell her solution to the decisionmakers and get it implemented.  


Candace received a Bachelor’s degree from Barat College, Lake Forest, Illinois and a Master’s degree in Public Administration (Health Administration) from the University of Arizona, Tucson, as well as a post-graduate certificate in early childhood family support from George Mason University. She has served on multiple Boards and Commissions, including the State of Illinois Human Services Commission, and served as a founding member of the DuPage Health Coalition.

In an anonymous feedback survey an Executive Service Corps client recently rated Candace as 5/5 “Excellent!”


Candace is on LinkedIn at

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